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Chengshu management group led by vice president Mr.Chen meets with Unocal management group on November 30, 2017.
On November 30th, Chengshu Electric Power Group hosted a high-level safety management meeting with Unocal China East Sea Ltd. Unocal representatives are as following: Asset Manager-Ken Yoss, CHES Supervisor-Steve Spradley and Safety Manager Vince Zhou. Meanwhile, Chengshu’s management group led by vice president Mr.Chen atteneded the meeting to exchanges ideas regarding safety management and best practice sharing.
Meng Chen and David Shao from Chengshu briefly introduce the company profile to representatives of Unocal, Chengdu, on November 30, 2017.
During this meeting, Ken Yoss expressed his gratitude for this opportunity. He greatly valued the partnership with Chengshu Electric Power Group Ltd. in the past few years. Mr. Yoss briefly talked about Unocal’s focus on fatality prevention plan and improvements on global investigation on fatality reports. He also mentioned his focus in three areas: 1. Control of work; 2. Work capability and training; 3. Operation discipline. His principle is that everyone goes home safely everyday; he believes that work should always be done right or not at all and there should always be time to do it right. He emphasized the importance of leadership engagement on safety training with the on-site crew on a regular basis and the new initiative to have working check list before starting any work.
Chengshu’s vice president Mr. Chen expressed his welcome for Unocal’s management group. In the meeting, he talked about Chengshu’s past projects that have mainly been dealing with local government and appreciated the chance to have partnership with large American companies, and he expressed his will on hoping to learn advanced safety management structure from Unocal and to have more frequent leadership engagement between the two parties.
As the on-site safety supervisor, Steve Spradley praised the success Chengshu had in the past years in hazard elimination, safe operation in height, as well as review of hazards and actions taken. He thanked Chengshu’s efforts on coordinating with the locals in the event of a power station issue and he greatly valued Chengshu’s support. Mr. Spradley recognized ChengShu’s on-site crew’s efforts to comply with Unocal site safety procedures including the correct use of arc flash PPE during substation maintenance.
During the meeting, Safety Manager Vince Zhou talked about potential improvements in Chengshu’s safety management. He recognized the importance of communication between management and on-site crew, and the focuses of high level management on safety should be communicated to the crews on a regular basis through safety trainings. The main goal is to improve the safety rating in order to strengthen the partnership between Unocal and Chengshu; this could be achieved by improving Chengshu’s technical and safety training for the on-site crew, as well as providing detailed training records. He also talked about the use of “Stop Work Authority” and wishes to see Chengshu’s management encouraging its employee to utilize it as well as frequent submission on incident and near misses reports.
Chengshu’s vice president Mr. Chen appreciated the valuable suggestions provided by Unocal’s management team, he acknowledged the friendly environment created by both parties and he will use the information gathered from this meeting to take action on improving corporate safety management level as well as on site crew’s safety practices. He once again thanked the Unocal management group on attending this high level safety meeting and sharing advanced safety management experience generously. Chengshu Electrical Power Group has committed to make safety management as one of its core value, and start to make detailed training plans for on-site crew and make changes to safety management in order to increase the safety ranking. Overall, the course of the meeting was pleasant, and Chengshu looks forward to attending future workshops with Unocal.